We can handle all of your ENROLLMENT needs.

Let Our Benefits Work For You!
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How We Help

The goal of any insurance, be it Health, Property and Casualty, Supplemental, etc is to ultimately reduce the risk profile for our clients, while removing complexity.  Using that same methodology, Key Dynamics’ mission is to be a partner within the marketplace that acts as a consolidation force for both our broker partners and our enterprise relationships.   

By partnering with Key Dynamics, brokers gain access to resources aligned with the top carriers within the Supplemental Insurance industry. Allowing for bottom line, year over year growth, without incurring additional overhead costs.

Our enterprise relationships gain the ability to remain competitive in the ever evolving workplace. Risk reduction, retention and productivity are at the heart of every business.  Key Dynamics can custom curate solutions to help businesses stay current with the “new normal” found in today’s workplace. But more importantly provide a one-stop enrollment solution for the core benefits for any company, that our brokers can take into the marketplace.


Partner Enrollment Platforms

Whether you’re enrolling in voluntary benefits or core benefits, Key Dynamics has a one-stop solution that can make your enrollment process quick, easy, and efficient.

From Our Founder

Make Your Own Opportunities

2020 changed the face of how business is done for a lot of us.  Business owners and employees alike now have new challenges to navigate.  Not only did the workplace undergo huge paradigm shifts, but companies now have to adapt to a new normal with virtual employees, gig workers, and some basic health and safety standards which may not have existed 18 months ago. 

How to invest your time in your business is a key decision made every day.  Partnering with an expert in the field of insurance and risk allows you to offload risk, gain back time, and ultimately focus on running your business.

Get In Touch

Louisville, Kentucky

(502) 413-1448
